Fundamentally different approaches community, social media, and our YouTube channel from the perspective that we can be…well, fundamentally different.

We share core beliefs and ideas that unite us as a group of people across cultural, geographic, religious, color, gender, or other barriers to friendship. Our foundational beliefs are:

  • We believe that the world’s shared experiences help to shape the understanding and insight of each of us as individuals. We understand that we will not always agree, or may even vehemently disagree, but we choose to express ourselves respectfully to one another.

  • We know that communities can be restored, just as individuals can be reborn stronger and more resilient, just as friendships can be built and rebuilt, communities need our help. We honor that by first serving as a community for one another.

  • We think that all people are capable and deserving to pursue any meaningful transformation or change that they seek. We trust and understand that change may be difficult and may be messy, but we celebrate effort and intent, we provide honest and compassionate feedback, and we will serve as your loudest cheerleaders.

  • We believe in laughing, sharing, in compassion towards others and ourselves. We believe in the power of gestures, of laughter, and of an open and willing spirit to transcend language, culture, and other boundaries which are presently used to hold us apart.

  • Lastly, we reject any notion of cultish or inappropriate application of these beliefs. If anything, we serve as the opposite of a cult—we stand as the friend of the downtrodden, the arm of the weak, the heart of the heartbroken, and the hope for a better tomorrow.

About Tyler

Tyler has lived most of his life trying to help people. After leaving a corporate career that left him feeling drained and unable to affect the world as he hoped, he has become an entrepreneur focused on business ventures designed to help people to think better, and feel better, and live better.

Sound like cliché? Absolutely - we get that. However, at the height of his personal ill health journey, Tyler weighed in at 505 pounds, was wrestling with crippling social anxiety and depressive disorders, and spent most of his time buried in his work or trying his best to distract himself from his poor health. After shedding 300 pounds of excess weight, Tyler’s obsession to help others succeed in their own personal journeys - whatever they may be.

Spend time with Tyler and you’ll quickly see his heart and his desire for others to feel heard, to share his platform to broaden their story, and to help spearhead difficult and complex conversations that can help move the world forward.